Coming SOON!!!!
Since the release of the original SEC Millenium 22 years ago, our engineers have designed and implemented enhanced optical absorption integrity, lower power consumption and developed software algorithms for our other infrared family of gas detectors and analyzers. All of this knowledge, experience and features have been incorporated into the SEC Millenium Hawk.
Software Downloads
This page contains links to updated software, drivers and firmware for our products.
WinH20 Software Rev. (This is an .MSI file that requires Microsoft Installer)
SEC Signature Dir Software (Click the link below to download the latest software zip file)
Universal App (Requires .NET Framework 4.5 or later)
Emergency 3500 Restore Kit, for SEC 3500 HMI Panels showing a black screen
with the white text "INVALID DATABASE" and unresponsive to reset or power-
cycling. Click the link below to download the latest kit zip file: